Saturday, November 7, 2009

Losing my good karma and my voice...

I have been telling my coworkers that I have used up all my good karma this month. For example when I visited Brittany and I had to take a train from Seoul to Incheon, I caught the last bus back to Incheon. Then on Halloween I got my cab paid for by one of my friends and I got home with plenty of time to sleep and recover. We had to combine Kindegarten classes this past week and I wound up with all the good kids in my kindy class. So, finally I have gotten the short end of the stick in Korea.

On Friday I had a bad cold. My nose was continually stuffy and had been draining each night as I slept. After teaching all day I decided to have a quiet night in instead of drinking with friends. I woke up to find I had lost my voice.

I was able to get some theraflu by miming and writing down a few key phrases for the pharmacist, and I rested all of Saturday. One of my coworkers is leaving so I wanted to go out on Saturday to say goodbye, but I was so sick I decided to ditch that plan. Also, I got paid this week and I had a lot of plans to go and get stuff done, unfortunately it's Sunday and I still have no voice. I'm cleaning today in hopes that if I rest my voice it will return. I hope I get my voice back by tomorrow otherwise I wont be able to teach.

I feel MUCH better today, still stuffy and coughing, but I still have no voice.

Sadness abounds.

I suppose I shall have to do something really nice to get my good karma back again.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I was a cat, and it was awesome. Also, It's the first time I stayed up until the subways started running again.